Causes of Anxiety Attacks and Disorders
By []Andrea Sands
The main cause for anxiety attacks today are withdrawal from addictions. Some others could be alcohol, thyroid, heredity and chemical imbalances just to name a few. Knowing what may cause your anxiety disorder makes it easier to prevent any type of anxiety attack from taking place.
From what has been gathered, stress from anything can cause anxiety it is a well known fact when someone doesn't know how to deal with their stress we see greater anxiety building up over time, if not dealt with properly.
Your workplace can bring on stress if your time lines and production are not met, if you have allowed this to continue you could find yourself having an anxiety disorder. This is also known when finances and debt comes into the picture as well. Men who have anxiety disorders are most likely in a stressful job that demands much from them, as well as, being in debt with a family to support.
Many women find themselves with anxiety disorders over the very same situations, but it could also be heightened if they are mothers with small children and facing all the same situations men are as well as motherhood. Today's women face different challenges, we are finding more and more women with anxiety disorders today than ever before.
Teenagers face high stress and anxiety while in school, they may have exams or failing a course that can take it's toll on a young persons mind. More than that, a young teenager can be facing peer pressure and dealing with sexual changes in their lives causing their anxiety levels to rise.
The causes of anxiety attacks vary from one person to another. Each person must find out what has brought it into their lives, if done through going to a doctor, or evaluating their lives and really looking where their stress is coming from.
There is help, medication has been known to take care of early anxiety disorders as well as people who have had attacks all their lives. Psychiatrist have been known to help find the issues in ones life that may be causing these anxieties and find ways to help.
Whatever the type of treatment you take it should always be doctor advised.
Dealing with panic and anxiety attacks is one of the biggest growing problems happening today. There are places that can help and guide you to where you should be looking. What different types of methods to treat these disorders. For more information try []
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