Monday, 22 September 2008

Anxiety Psychiatrist - Plays Major Role in Anxiety Treatment

Anxiety Psychiatrist - Plays Major Role in Anxiety Treatment
By []Jack Albert Anderson

Are you suffering from anxiety disorder and not able to find a specialized doctor who can help you out from this disorder? If yes, then here you will cater with all your problems.

Before going further, let's know in detail about the meaning of anxiety disorder. In this fast paced life, anxiety disorder exists everywhere. Both students and professionals are coming into the trap of this disorder and the reason behind its presence is quite a lot like office work load, exam stress, etc.

To combat with the anxiety disorder, it is essential to take an advice of an anxiety psychiatrist. It is true that finding a good psychiatrist is not an easy task, but there are many places that a person can look for. First important step you need to take is to spare some time from your busy schedule and create a list of anxiety psychiatrists. Then at last visit the psychiatrist who can suggest you the effective measures to combat the anxiety disorder. Before visiting the anxiety psychiatrist, make some notes like your symptoms that you like to share with your doctor because it would be great help to you and your doctor to cure the anxiety fast.

Anxiety psychiatrist will recommend you certain medications, therapies and exercise that can help you in all your possible ways. He can prescribe light exercises like yoga and drug therapy. In addition to it, some psychiatrist also suggests hypnotherapy which acts as a great reliever. It is advisable to the anxiety disorder patients that they must follow the prescribed course regularly so that they do not encounter the anxiety disorder again in future.

Jack Anderson has an experience of more than 5 years of writing various types of articles. He wrote various health related articles for different sites including - This site provides you complete information about various anxiety disorder issues and their treatment.

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Why an Anxiety eBook Can Help You

Why an Anxiety eBook Can Help You
By []Karen S. James

First of all, let's talk about anxiety: Many people live with anxiety daily. There's what I feel is "normal" anxiety, which is a natural emotion that we, as humans have... and then there's that super intense ultra irrational, I can't sleep, I can't eat, I can't think straight - anxiety. This is the anxiety I'm talking about here. And, this is the type of issue that can be tackled with an anxiety ebook. Anxiety ebooks will give you great tips for reducing anxiety. Too many of us live with too much anxiety. It's a hectic world and it's tough to keep up sometimes, but there are ways - natural ways - to relieve that kind of anxiety.

Here are the top three benefits of an anxiety ebook:

1. They are instant!

This is what I love ebooks. The information is instant. Unlike when you purchase a non downloadable book, your ebook can be printed or viewed right away. And, if you are struggling with anxiety, there's nothing better than having instant access to such valuable information and tips for reducing anxiety.

2. There's great online reviews.

Yes, my advice is to look at a 'review site' for anxiety ebooks. Just do a Google search for "anxiety ebook" and look for a review site. Many ex-sufferers of anxiety will write reviews of anxiety ebooks in their blogs or websites and rate them with stars along with their personal comments. See what you identify with. Maybe you want more of a workbook and less reading. Or, maybe you want to write everything down and start journaling.

3. Ebooks keep life simple.

Especially if you are viewing the ebook's one less thing around your house. I like to reduce as much as possible and personally prefer reading my ebooks on my laptop. It's less clutter's green! Less paper used.

So, if you are looking for information or tips on reducing anxiety, an anxiety ebook is a great way to go.

Karen James compares and reviews natural anxiety cures at

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Saturday, 20 September 2008

Must Try Natural Anxiety Remedy

Must Try Natural Anxiety Remedy
By []Sofi Emerald

When it comes to finding cure for anxiety, more people would instantly use anti-depressants to solve it. But only a few rely on natural anxiety remedy that can also be equally beneficial for the patient. Taking the prescribed drugs have been proven to have good effects in solving anxiety in many people but there are times when a person may have to be too depended to these drugs and they sometimes become so emotionless. Thus, trying out other ways that are more natural would be better and even safer.

To make a person control his anxiety in a more natural way, he may choose to change his lifestyle and manage it in a way that even exercising can bring about great change to a person. Also, the food that we eat is also factors that may be altered so that it would better fit the needs of the individual. Some may take supplements that can help in making the body perform regularly. The nutrients can also stabilize our bodies.

Joining therapies can also make a big chance once a person learns about his situation and accept it in a more open style. Also, the therapists can give the person tips on what causes his feeling of too worried about many things and by knowing so, the individual may understand that he is fretting over something that is normal. Thus, he can adjust and make himself better and more open to change.

There are different types of therapy that can be done. Some would prefer to smell something pleasant while others want to see beautiful flowers. Although for others, talking to their family and friends are the best therapy since it gives them the ability to open up and talk about what is happening and what he is feeling. Whatever form you may choose, as long as it is safe and it makes you less worried, then it is a good choice.

Don't let Panic control you! It's possible to overcome:

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Experts Reveal What Causes Phobia

Experts Reveal What Causes Phobia
By []Sofi Emerald

It is of common belief that, phobias are usually deeply-rooted from childhood experiences that are traumatic in nature. Though much is still unknown from its causes, phobias can also be results of genetics and brain chemicals. Lineage is considered to be a cause of phobia development in an individual. If there is a history of phobia in the family, chances are some of their relatives could develop one too. Though no studies prove that gender is a factor to be considered as a cause, according to statistics phobias are more prevalent in women than among men.

According to psychologists, the experts on the mental processes, what causes phobia is an individual's genetic predisposition along with environmental and social causes. Social disposition such as lack of assertiveness, low self-esteem and inferiority complex are related to be causes of phobia. A negative social experience, such as rejection by peers or public embarrassment, plays a considerable part in triggering a phobia to develop in a person.

Considered as an anxiety disorder and as one of the most common mental illness among men and women, phobia can be picked-up by merely observing a close relative's phobic reaction. What causes phobia still puzzles most experts although they are not at all at lost. Many studies have been thoroughly made, and many had promising outcomes. One of the studies concluded that a phobia could also be a result of another phobia or other anxiety disorder such as depression or any abuse of substance. This is referred as to be complex phobia.

Don't let Panic control you! It's possible to overcome:

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Friday, 12 September 2008

Understanding Anxiety Disorders and Their Symptoms

Understanding Anxiety Disorders and Their Symptoms
By []Brue Baker
Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting 20% of adults. Depression, anxiety, panic, trauma are components of anxiety disorders. When worry and fear interfere with someone's normal functioning, it's an anxiety disorder. Some people can be more or less affected than others.

What Are The Symptoms of Panic Attacks?

One of the most common symptoms of anxiety disorders is panic attacks, which are intense periods of fear or feeling down. Panic attacks can develop over a very short time frame and they can last up to 15 minutes. Panic attacks are associated with experiencing at least four of the
following symptoms:

* Heart palpitations
* Chest pain
* Sense of choking
* Dizziness
* Sweating
* Trembling
* Shortness of breath
* Fear of death
* Nausea
* Feeling detached from the world
* Numbness
* Paralyzing fear
* Chills
* Hot flashes

What About Generalized Anxiety?

Unlike panic attacks, generalized anxiety disorders usually last a period of at least 6 months. Generalized anxiety involves excessive or unrealistic worry associated with at least 3 of the following symptoms:

* Restlessness
* Sleep disturbances
* Difficulty concentrating
* Irritability or explosive anger
* Difficulty keeping concentration
* Being paranoid
* Personality changes (becoming less social)
* Avoiding activities, places, or people
* Lack of energy most of or all of the time
* Muscle tension

What Causes Anxiety Disorders?

Anxiety disorders are usually a side effect of stress, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, drugs, or prescription and nonprescription medicines, although they can also be hereditary or caused by brain injuries. Anxiety disorders can be so severe for some people that they can't function in society or perform regular daily tasks.

That is when prescription medication for anxiety is suggested. Medication can act as a scaffold to help a patient cope with their anxiety and function in society until they are ready to learn how to naturally overcome their anxiety disorder.

What About Anxiety Treatment?

I personally feel that for most cases of anxiety disorders medication is not suggested. Anxiety can be treated without it. Anxiety has to do with how you think. You CAN control how you think and what you think about. It just takes the proper instruction and the desire to change yourself.

There are numerous courses, downloads, and podcasts you can find on the internet that will teach you the natural methods that I and many others have used to overcome anxiety and stress. Just make sure that you apply what you learn. Good luck on your journey towards health and wellness!

Brue M. Baker, is an expert on natural health and fitness who has helped people from across the world sky-rocket their health and well-being. Rather than hitting your head against a wall trying to find unbiased health information let Brue take you by the hand and give you []the best natural health information and resources on the web. Visit [] to learn more.

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Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Causes of Anxiety Attacks and Disorders

Causes of Anxiety Attacks and Disorders
By []Andrea Sands

The main cause for anxiety attacks today are withdrawal from addictions. Some others could be alcohol, thyroid, heredity and chemical imbalances just to name a few. Knowing what may cause your anxiety disorder makes it easier to prevent any type of anxiety attack from taking place.

From what has been gathered, stress from anything can cause anxiety it is a well known fact when someone doesn't know how to deal with their stress we see greater anxiety building up over time, if not dealt with properly.

Your workplace can bring on stress if your time lines and production are not met, if you have allowed this to continue you could find yourself having an anxiety disorder. This is also known when finances and debt comes into the picture as well. Men who have anxiety disorders are most likely in a stressful job that demands much from them, as well as, being in debt with a family to support.

Many women find themselves with anxiety disorders over the very same situations, but it could also be heightened if they are mothers with small children and facing all the same situations men are as well as motherhood. Today's women face different challenges, we are finding more and more women with anxiety disorders today than ever before.

Teenagers face high stress and anxiety while in school, they may have exams or failing a course that can take it's toll on a young persons mind. More than that, a young teenager can be facing peer pressure and dealing with sexual changes in their lives causing their anxiety levels to rise.

The causes of anxiety attacks vary from one person to another. Each person must find out what has brought it into their lives, if done through going to a doctor, or evaluating their lives and really looking where their stress is coming from.

There is help, medication has been known to take care of early anxiety disorders as well as people who have had attacks all their lives. Psychiatrist have been known to help find the issues in ones life that may be causing these anxieties and find ways to help.

Whatever the type of treatment you take it should always be doctor advised.

Dealing with panic and anxiety attacks is one of the biggest growing problems happening today. There are places that can help and guide you to where you should be looking. What different types of methods to treat these disorders. For more information try []

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Panic Symptoms - What Are Panic Anxiety Attacks?

Panic Symptoms - What Are Panic Anxiety Attacks?
By []John Nuttall

Panic symptoms and panic anxiety attacks are a relatively common condition in which a person experiences a period of quite intense anxiety which comes on suddenly. They can last from a few minutes to a few hours. The frequency of occurrence can also vary quite widely from occurring daily to occurring once every year or so. Panic attacks can also happen at any time and have even been known to happen whilst the person is asleep. The causes of panic symptoms can also vary and may be triggered by an entirely random event or a sequence of specific "personal trigger" events.

People who suffer frequent panic attacks are said to have a condition called panic disorder. It is estimated that 2% of the population will experience a panic attack during their lifetime. The external panic symptoms of an attack can have quite negative social results. It is estimated that 1 in 3 sufferers of panic disorder also have some form of agoraphobia - that is to say they are afraid to go out.

What's it like

People who are having a panic attack often fear that they are having a heart attack, have difficulty breathing and in extreme cases fear that they may be dying. This is despite the fact that the fear experienced during a panic attack is often out of all proportion to reality.

The length of time that that panic symptoms is suffered by someone can vary from person to person. Panic disorder may continue for just a few months or last for years. This largely depends on when treatment is sought and what treatment is given. There is quite a bit of evidence available which suggests that with many people the symptoms just disappear of their own accord later in life.

Most sufferers of panic symptoms will get better after treatment. There are many treatments available and eventually a person will encounter a trigger event whilst under treatment but not have an attack. This will break the panic pattern and will eventually allow a person to lead a normal life without the need for further treatment.

Methods of Treatment

The best treatments are natural holistic ones which do not involve the used of antidepressants such as imipramine and Nardil. The patient should try activities which lead to stress reduction such as yoga and tai-chi. Indeed, most moderate physical exercise can help in relieving the symptoms of panic attacks. Stimulants such as caffeine and nicotine should be avoided where possible. Psychotherapy is another possible treatment which could help to reduce symptoms. Finally, cognitive-behavioral techniques using relaxation therapy has also been found to help people overcome the effects of panic symptoms.

John Nuttall is the author and leading expert on []panic attacks symptoms and the creator of []anxiety attacks symptoms See these sites now to find the best treatments available on the internet today.

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